"Each law of nature, which reveals itself to the observer, suggests a higher, still unidentified one."
Alexander vom Humboldt

Natural space

The relationship many people have to their surrounding environment is an impersonal one. Children and adults often live in cities representing artificial worlds and undertake little experience with nature. KuKuk designs objects and installations and plans space, that focuses on the reception of the phenomena of nature.

We would like to convey the idea anew that nature is something lively, unique and worth protecting. Exact observation, listening and feeling will be possible. Whether it is stone landscapes, waterfalls, butterfly gardens or beehives – we make it possible to experience an up-close tangible and stimulating nature. Growing and withering will be physically perceptible, the human senses sharpened, the desire to discover will be encouraged and last but not least the fear of contact with nature will reduce.

Unknown and new sorts of perception will inspire the fantasy. The human will be stimulated to reflect and philosophise.

Our designed natural spaces slowdown daily routine and can become quite zones and a retreat to get away from it all, if just for a short but important moment.

Whether play space, movement space or experience room, our spaces have an activating effect – offer diverse experiences, set all senses in motion and generate occasions for communication, social contact and learning. With natural materials unique forms and artistic colour concepts, arise individual spaces with a special atmosphere.

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KuKuk Kultur e.V.
KuKuk Familie
Künstlerisch-naturnahe Spiel- und Sinnesräume für Menschen aller Altersstufen.
Mobile Spielplatzbox mit vielseitigem Spielangebot. Leicht transportiert und schnell installiert.
Planung von Landschaftsräumen, Objekten und Architektur im Spannungsfeld Mensch – Raum – Natur.
Künstlerisch-naturnahe Spiel- und Sinnesräume für Menschen aller Altersstufen.
Soziale Spielraumprojekte für Kinder und Jugendliche in Krisengebieten