"Watch a man at play for an hour and you can learn more about him than in talking to him for a year."

Play space

Despite all apparent differences between cultures, what they all have in common, is play. The need to playfully interact is a part of human existence and symbolic for the whole of our world.

Playing is a voluntary act, with an inherent aim. It is accompanied with feelings of excitement, curiosity and joy.

When playing, every person develops their individual talents through versatile experiments and consequently broadens their personality.

They learn important social skills, for example empathy and communication. They experience cooperation and rivalry, and learn about themselves and others.

When children play they mean it seriously.

A place without distractions gives a child the chance consciously to experience moments of real space and time and the relationship between appearances and reality.

The playgrounds from KuKuk offer children the opportunity to freely unfold their potentiality of creativeness and fantasy.

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KuKuk Kultur e.V.
KuKuk Familie
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